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I know you're busy.

I see your posts!

I really do look and read them.

I'm busy too.

Life is........complicated.

Growing children, work, aging parents, illness, duties, obligations, time management!

That's why when it comes to commissions I don't take many.

My life is the same.

Even when it's people I know, and they know what my life is like from the inside and they say 'no rush, no worries, whenever you can get to it is fine' that's not me.

I live by the adage of why put off for tomorrow what you can do today.

Yes I am a type A, fire, pita constitution.

I put pressure on myself.

Yet when a friend recommended her friend it felt right to tatk this commission.

We met, I showed her stones to choose from, she told me what she likes and hopes for.

She picked the stones from the tray.

I reassured her, did a quick sketch......except of the ring.

I don't sketch my rings, I let them flow in a very organic way.

But I heard what she liked!

These are her pieces, done in my style.

She trusted me.

I was excited to do the work.

Best of all, truly the best part of this commission is that the client has become a friend.

Does life get better than that?

I don't think so..

Take the time to smell the roses.

Take the time to welcome in a new friend.

Let your tribe of powerful people grow.

That is the richness of life.

Thank you Barry for trusting my vision, for being a powerful woman, for joining my tribe!


I'm wondering how does your mind work? Mine works like a rolodex, I get a glimmer of an idea and it starts to click in my head. Each click is a search for information, a memory, a scent, color or texture. The faster the clicks the quicker this information is processed, searching, sorting coordinating. Some pieces of info are stored for later use while other pieces are put together, until finally I get exactly what I need.

One ring for a friend.

c l i c k

Might as well make a few.

Click, click, click

clickclickclickclick.....I'm back as a young woman outside with friends, they're setting up the telescope to find the next star cluster.

I'm cold and bored my mind wanders and I look up to find the only star formation that ever interested me.

Pleiades the 7 sisters.

I had often longed for a sister. Someone you can bare your soul to, laugh with, argue with,someone who was always there for you and you for her.

I was an odd and opinionated child so close female friends was not something I had when I was young. Over time, slowly it happened, I found my soul sisters!

Incredible powerful women who are strong, opinionated, motivated , each a force to be reckoned with. We share something wonderful between us, we love each other, support, carry and help each other and most of all we love each other not in spite of our flaws but because of them. We are perfectly imperfect!

My flesh and blood 7 sisters are incredible......clickclickclickclick

7 rings, seven sisters, 7 goddesses, strong, powerful, each a representation of the Pleiades. I wonder which 7 incredible women will be drawn together by these ring.

7 rings

Seven powerful Goddesses


Updated: May 29, 2018

Denial is a powerful force, it is based in fear and it prevents us from moving forward. I find that in life we have moments where if we chose to move forward we are like a trapeze artist in the air. As the next swing approaches we can hold onto what we know and the swing brings us back to the same place we started from. Or we can release our grip in spite of the fear and instead feel the exhilaration of letting go, of falling and not knowing where we're going. Suddenly the next swing appears we grab it and go forward.

A beautiful cabochon cut by Nick Flanagan was the catalyst of my letting go of my denial and releasing fear. When I first saw it I thought a ring but when it arrived it could not and would not be a ring. I hemmed and I hawed and consulted with friends hoping they didn't see what I saw, but they saw it to, this cabouchon looked like a butterfly wing and I don't do butterfly jewelry!

Placing a faceted citrine bead next to it, the golden color a perfect match to the lines in the stone I waited for inspiration, yet nothing came to me. I tried to force it to be a pendant, a locket, I doodled, waited and nothing. One day while working on another piece I stopped and looked at that cabochon on my bench, my mind cleared, silver wings appeared, it grew legs and stood up it's wings opened then gently closed...slowly it turned and looked at me. The design was clear, creating it would take 3 months This was not to be rushed, at each stage I stopped and studied the progress and contemplated what was the next step, how would or could it be done. Some parts didn't work and were discarded and redone yet each fail became a gain. All the while my mind excitedly raced to new projects igniting my passions. When the different parts were fused, cleaned and prepped it was time to put it together. Finally the piece was done and in truth I was transformed. My fear released I was going in a new direction a place that harkens back to my beginning days of silversmithing with a new forward motion. I 've revamped and renamed my website to better explain my work and I've created a facebook page with the same name and will be posting my work and stories there as well. I'll fulfill my love of a graceful table creating small functional and decorative pieces that enhance the dining experience. I'll be feeding my passions making jewelry for the body and table.

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